Rope access techniques using rappelling | abseiling* are used in high-rise window cleaning together with bosun’s chairs. The use of this method and techniques results in faster deployment, quicker relocation and the ability to access areas that cannot be accessed using traditional methods. This all lead to cost savings.
Traditionally gondolas are used in window cleaning. Relocating gondolas are often as not a cumbersome and time consuming process. Gondolas can often as not reach building setbacks leading to unsafe work practices to gain access. Using rope access techniques, this presents no problem.
The true benefits of rope access are realized when the current cost to access an area is disproportionate to the amount of work that has to be carried out.
Rope access equipment is lightweight and able to be removed in rapid time, which offers greater flexibility and speed, and therefore making rope access a preferred method of access for many difficult sites allowing a variety of task to be undertaken. Each project is given the ‘Safe and Best practice’ approach ensuring all work is carried out to the highest safety standards.
Some Benefits:
- Using Rope Access can provide an unobtrusive, cost effective access capability
- Equipment used can be installed and uninstalled rapidly to ensure minimum disruption and therefore could help reduce overall lead time on projects, which in turn could lead to a reduction in project cost
- Benefits of rope access is when the cost to access an area is disproportionate to the amount of work that has to be carried out
- The number of man hours working at height can be lessened when using Rope Access over traditional access methods
- Rope systems can be easily installed to reach almost all areas, which may not have been possible using conventional means
- Rope Access offers greater flexibility for rescheduling and can therefore take advantage of any weather conditions
- Rope access operatives can sometimes carry out work in a matter of hours which, using conventional means, could take days to complete.
* Abseiling: From German meaning “to rope down”. It is the controlled descent down a rock face using a rope. Climbers use this technique when a cliff or slope is too steep and/or dangerous to descend without protection.